DDWC Safeguarding Policy Document
(To be reviewed / updated Dec 2018)
The DDWC designated safeguarding officer is: Graham Legg
The alternative safeguarding officer is: The DDWC Chairperson
We recognise that the welfare of vulnerable people, i.e. Children, Young People, the Elderly and those with any form of Disability, is paramount and that we have a duty of care when they are taking part within our Club activities. We will do everything we can to provide a safe and caring environment at all times.
We will:
Treat all vulnerable people with respect.
Respond to concerns and allegations appropriately
Adopt the DDWC 'Members’ Guidelines'
When there are concerns about the welfare of any vulnerable person, all adults in our organisation are expected to share those concerns with the designated safeguarding officer.
The DDWC Safeguarding Officer is responsible for:
Monitoring and recording concerns
Making referrals to social services without delay
Liaison with other agencies
The Derbyshire Dales Woodcraft Club (DDWC), through confirming this Safeguarding Policy Document, has indicated its determination to ensure that vulnerable people can participate in Woodcraft activities with their safety and welfare being of paramount importance.
Signed: Signed:
DDWC Chairman DDWC Safeguarding Officer
Date: Date:
The DDWC Safeguarding Officer will undertake annual safeguarding training, based upon Derbyshire CC guidelines, as will the DDWC Chairperson.
The DDWC Safeguarding Officer and Chairperson will also undertake the enhanced Data and Barring System (DBS) checks as and when recommended by Derbyshire CC.
This document is available to all DDWC members and visitors via:
The DDWC web site
As a PDF file, available upon request (contact the Club Secretary)
A PDF version will be sent to all DDWC members on an annual basis (normally just prior to the Club AGM)
DDWC Safeguarding Policy – Members’ Guidelines
As members of the above Club, you need to be aware of the concept of abuse and have some background information to help to adopt good practice when working with vulnerable people.
Always remember ‑ it is not your responsibility to decide if abuse has taken place. However, it is your responsibility to act upon these concerns.
Abuse is a powerful and emotive term and is used to describe ways in which vulnerable people may be harmed, usually by adults and often by those they know and trust. There are five main areas of abuse of which you should be aware:
Emotional Abuse ‑ occurs when adults persistently fail to show due care. An individual may be subjected to unrealistic pressure and constantly shouted at and given responsibility for which they are not yet ready.
Physical Abuse ‑ occurs when adults, or even children, deliberately inflict injuries on a person, or knowingly do not prevent such injuries.
Bullying ‑ occurs when repeated aggressive, verbal, psychological or physical contact takes place by an individual or group. It can include the use of cyber bullying, physical, verbal, emotional, racist and sexual abuse, comments and gestures.
Neglect ‑ this occurs when a vulnerable person’s basic needs for care are not met, including failure to prevent exposure to any kind of danger.
Sexual abuse – vulnerable people can be sexually abused by others, who use children, young people and/or vulnerable adults to meet their own sexual needs and desires either through participation or forced observation.
Safeguarding - the welfare of vulnerable people is paramount. The DDWC has a moral obligation and legal responsibility to provide the highest possible standard of care when we welcome any vulnerable person into our Club and any related activities e.g. working with young people in after school clubs, attending an organised social event for adults etc..
Guidelines for good practice at DDWC
Everyone should be aware that as a general rule, it does not make good sense for a supervising adult to:
Spend excessive amounts of time alone with a vulnerable person, away from others
Take a vulnerable person alone on car journeys, however short, without parental / carer approval
Take a vulnerable person to your home, without parental / carer approval
Help a vulnerable person with their clothing or to get changed ‑ parents / carers must do this
You should NEVER:
Engage in inappropriate physical contact, including horseplay.
Share a room with a vulnerable person unaccompanied
Permit a vulnerable person to use unacceptable or explicit language and to go unchallenged.
Make sexually suggestive comments, even in fun
Agree to meet a vulnerable person on your own, outside the context of normal duties and activities
Allow allegations made to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon – ALWAYS report such incident to the DDWC Safeguarding Officer
Key principles of good practice for the DDWC
Adopting these principles will help to create an environment in which:
Vulnerable people are listened to, given a sense of belonging and kept safe.
Volunteers who work with vulnerable people are supported and protected.
Parents /carers are supported and encouraged.
A safe environment will be created by:
Providing an adequate level of supervision.
Keeping records of attendances, complaints and accidents.
Producing procedures for dealing with suspicions.
Identifying a person in charge of safeguarding
Protecting both volunteers and vulnerable people
Understanding an individual person’s right to self-protection.
Dealing with concerns ‑ this will be carried out by:
Listening but not leading the vulnerable person
Observing changes in behaviour (e.g. mood swings etc.)
Believing ‑ but never promising confidentiality (we never keep a secret)
Reassuring ‑ be sensitive to the situation.
Acting immediately and explaining to the vulnerable person what you are going to do (report to the DDWC Safeguarding Officer)
Getting support
Referring to the right body (Local Authority Social Services/Police)
Recording allegations or suspicions of abuse
Please remember if an incident occurs ‑ the basic information needed is as follows:
Name of vulnerable person, their age, tel. number and address
Parents / carers name
Additional Factors
Are you recording the report based on your concerns or passing on the concerns of someone else? Please detail as clearly as possible
What has prompted the concerns and include date, times of any specific incidents. Are there any physical/behavioural or indirect signs? Has the vulnerable person been spoken to and if so what was said? Have the parents / carers been contacted and if so, what was said? Has anyone been alleged to be the abuser? If so record details. Has anyone else been consulted? If so record details.
The DDWC Safeguarding Officer will deal with most of the above, once informed.
Points of Contact
Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board – 01629 533190 or 01629 535716
Email: Derbyshire.scb@derbyshire.gcsx.gov.uk
Address: Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board (DSCB), Derbyshire County Council,
North Block, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG
(or for an emergency call the Police on 999 or 101)
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) – (for allegations against professionals)
01629 535353
[Derbyshire] Social Services – Tel. 01629 533190 (9am – 5pm week days) or
01629 532600 (out-of-hours worker)
Childline ‑ 24 hours 0800 1111
NSPCC ‑ 24 hours 0800 800500
Children's Legal Centre ‑ 0207 3596251
DDWC – April 2018