Examples from the Members Masters Competition
DDWC Monthly Competition
Examples from the Members Open Competition
For all the latest work please see the News letter under news and updates


Many of our members enter their work into external local and national competitions, but every month we hold our own competition, there are two competitions. Firstly there is an ‘Open Competition’ table which all members are encouraged to enter and bring a sample of their woodcraft on any subject to show to the club. Points are awarded each month and an annual winner is awarded the title of ‘Master’. Then there is the ‘Masters Competition’ table and entries are restricted to previous Open Competition winners. The work exhibited is judged by the members to identify the top three items in each competition on the day. All members present get an opportunity to vote for what they consider is the best piece on each table. Every member who enters gets a point towards their annual total, and the top three get an additional 3, 2 or 1 point as appropriate. Some of the competitions have a theme and an additional point will be awarded for entries meeting the theme. At the AGM a cup is awarded to each member who has accumulated the most points in their competition. Producing work for display and competition sharpens your skills and critical awareness of the quality of your work. If you seek feedback from fellow members you will find it is positive and encouraging. There is also a ‘Work In Progress’ table, where partially completed work can be displayed and advice sought, if required. Don't be shy, join in the fun

For other entries and picture of last months activities please see our Face book site