This is our Visitors and New Members form
Derbyshire Dales Woodcraft Club
First visit to the club is free
Annual Membership Adult 18+ £40 Year
Monthly Subs Adult 18+ £4 per visit (No charge for June or December)
Annual and Monthly Subs are free for under 18’s but they MUST be accompanied by a Full Adult member
Visitor/New Members Details
Name DOB if under 18
Telephone/Mobile No
Emergency Contact Tel No.
Email Address
Woodcraft Interest: Turning Carving Pyrography Scroll-Sawing General
1st Visit Date
Joined Date
Please sign below to acknowledge that you agree to the DDWC using the information you have suppled on this form and to the terms of the club Privacy policy and Safeguarding Policy
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits available in the kitchen
And Finally, How did you hear about the Derbyshire Dales Woodcraft Club?
Website 2. Face Book, 3. Newspaper 4. A Friend 5. Other
Send form to Secretary/James/Chairperson